2 and 3 November 2023 (private meeting)

                                                                         Programme of work
Item 1 Adoption of the agenda
       S/33/1 - Provisional agenda   
       S/33/2 - Programme of work
       S/33/16 - Agenda
Item 2 Status report on outstanding contributions to the Administrative Part of the Budget and Member State voting rights
       C/114/4/Rev.1 – Status report on outstanding contributions to the Administrative Part of the
                                Budget and Member State voting rights (at 30 September 2023)

    (Restricted document - Please log in to gain access)
Item 3 Presentation by the Director General
       S/33/13 - Statement by the Director General
       S/33/INF/1 - Ninth update on the application of the Internal Governance Framework
       S/33/7 - Update on risk management  
Item 4 Summary update on the Programme and Budget for 2023
      C/114/7 – Summary update on the Programme and Budget for 2023
Item 5 Programme and Budget for 2024
       C/114/6 – Programme and Budget for 2024
       PowerPoint: Programme and Budget for 2024
Item 6 Provisional workplan for the IOM governing bodies during 2024
       S/33/12 - Provisional workplan for the IOM governing bodies during 2024
Item 7 Progress report on the implementation of the External Auditor’s recommendations
       S/33/3 - Report on the implementation of the External Auditor's recommendations
       PowerPoint: External Auditor's recommendations
Item 8 Report on the work of the Office of the Inspector General
       S/33/4 - Report on the work of the Office of the Inspector General
Item 9 Report of the IOM Audit and Oversight Advisory Committee
       S/33/10 - Report of the IOM Audit and Oversight Advisory Committee activities
                    from September 2022 to August 2023
Item 10 Report on the privileges and immunities granted to the Organization by States
       S/33/5 -  Tenth annual report of the Director General on improvements
                    in the privileges and immunities granted to the Organization by States
       PowerPoint: Report on privileges and immunities
Item 11 Update on plans for the IOM Headquarters building
       S/33/6 – Plans for the IOM Headquarters building: Update 9
       PowerPoint: Plans for the IOM Headquarters building
Item 12 Report of the Chairperson of the Working Group on IOM Partnerships, Governance and Organizational Priorities
Item 13 Update on human resources management
       PowerPoint: Update on human resources management
Item 14 Statement by the Chairperson of the Global Staff Association Committee
       PowerPoint: Global Staff Association Committee
Item 15 Exchange of views on items proposed by the membership:
        S/33/9 – IOM Development Fund (Status report 1 January to 30 September 2023)
  (a)  Delivering impact through data for action, insight and foresight
        S/33/8 - Delivering impact through data for action, insight and foresight
        PowerPoint: Delivering impact through data for action, insight and foresight
  (b)  Adapting skills-based labour migration programmes for people with international protection concerns:
      creating more flexible, inclusive, and appropriate labour migration systems for all
        S/33/11 – Adapting skills-based labour migration programmes
        PowerPoint: Adapting skills-based labour migration programmes
Item 16 Any other business
  S/33/14 - Report of the Standing Committee on Programmes and Finance on the
                Thirty-third Session
  S/33/15 - List or participants
  S/33/17 - List of documents